Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Your Grandma

Hey JJ,

This is a photo of your dad, and your grandma. It isn't a recent picture, unless you are thinking in terms of geologic time.

You probably know that I grew up in Ketchikan, Alaska -- and the only way to get out of Ketchikan was boat or plane. In here your grandmother and I are going to take that seaplane to another island, and then a jet to Portland to visit my grandparents.

Turns out your grandmother and your mom (you call her mom, her friends call her Apes, and family Apey) are a lot alike. They are both artist/tom-boy/athletic types. You will see how your mom will always decorate the house, have lots of art projects - and be afraid of math and spiders. Your grandmother is less athletic today (well, she is 81 years old) - but she still has that spirit.

Your grandmother will call me and tell me how she is old because she spent two hours weeding the garden and is tired (of course, your dad will get tired after 15 minutes of that same activity).

So if you find that you are a visual person - well, you come by it quite honestly. If you find that you enjoy a lot of sports- that skipped my generation. If you find you like working in the garden, and flowers - well, so does your mom, grandma, and even your dad.

But here's the thing-- I look forward to taking you to the golf course, and I look forward to the day when you beat your dad playing golf (it will take you a few years kid, so be patient).


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