Monday, January 31, 2011

Things just aren't the same anymore

Dear JJ,

Getting ready for a play date
Before you were born, and before I met your mom - I spent every Saturday afternoon at a cigar shop - enjoying a fine cigar and company.  This was one of the highlights of the week-- to relax with some acquaintances and talk for a couple of hours about a host of subjects. It was such a part of my life that I had written a book about it (and added a couple of chapters after I met your mom).

This Saturday your mom and you went for a "play date" so I was left to head back to one of my old haunts and spend some time with a cigar, some friends, and  - well, it just wasn't the same.
My conversation - was all about my beautiful son and wife
First - I couldn't wait to hear from your mom that you two were done and we could all be home. Second, I spent most of my time filling in my old buddies with what had happened - meeting your mom and you! Some of them had heard from about it.  Most of the gang had gone before I left, and then just the manager of the store and I were there.  He has known me for a long time- and we spent the next hour talking about what a joy kids are- and lots of "dad" stuff.  He said to me, "You know Terry, five years ago I would have never believed that you would be married and having a son."

He was right- I couldn't have imagined it either.  Yes, things have changed - in a wonderful way that I would have never believed or thought about. My best times of the week are now with you and your mom. I never knew how much I was missing until you and your mom came into my life.

Thank you son



Your mom took this photo of me the night we met- it became the cover for the book
Sitting up on your own is pretty routine now

You love solids

And your daddy  loves you

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