Dear JJ,
One of the more popular sayings these days is to "live in the moment." What they mean is to enjoy the moments that you have because soon they will be gone.
I have had the most incredible year this last year. I met your mother, and we decided to have you!
Today is 18 days before we are scheduled to see you. That means in 18 days I get to kiss you face for the first time! But then I got ahead of myself. I felt sad, because in 18 years (or fewer) you will be going off to college, and your mother and I will hold each other and cry that you are leaving the nest.
The photo is of my mom and dad who frame our wedding - and I thought of that today because I remember going home from college during Christmas break my first year. It was a lot of fun to see my parents and be with my brothers for a couple of weeks. The day before I went mom seemed a bit edgy. When I got back to college I called my folks and dad answered and said, "You know, your mom wasn't mad at you at all, son. After you left she just cried."
I call my folks every day now - or try to. I love talking to them. And if mom or dad complain about a few aches and pains all I have to do is say something about their grandson, you, and I can hear their smile over the telephone.
Love is across generations- son. Right now you are safe in your mom's womb, I am at work, and my parents are in Oregon. But we are all bound by a lot of love. So, before I worry too much about you going away to college and leaving our nest - I have to remember -- there is no distance for the heart.
I love you son. But the countdown is on - . Oh- in 19 days they say I will be getting less sleep than I am now -- that's ok. I don't sleep much as a surgeon anyway. I just look forward to rocking us both to sleep.
Ah - Mr T....the number 18 is significant in philosophy and religion - The Hebrew word for "alive" is chai, which has a numerical value of 18. Consequently, the custom has arisen in Jewish circles to give donations and monetary gifts in multiples of 18 as an expression of blessing for long life. There are 18 chapters in the Bhagavad Gita....(81 in Tao te Ching - the path - hmm 18 flipped) oh yes and Heller's Catch 22 was originally entitled Catch 18. Sending good thoughts and love to you, JJ and Apey. Colin Lewis