Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Getting old

Dear Son,

I noticed that all of my friends are  aging, but some are "getting old."

The other day I was in Alaska and visiting with some people who are older than I am - dinner was going to be later - not a problem.

Your grandparents:  your granddad - last year decided to go see Normandy for the 66th reunion of the invasion.  Your other grandparents still working in Hong Kong.

Then there was this friend of mine I had not seen in years. Was going to be in the same city - but even though it had been years, turned out it was too late and too much to drive at that hour.

We all age - we can't help it. But I hope I am a dad that isn't "old."


Your aging but not old dad
Your mom and I - we do what it takes to get the shot

No matter where we go- it is always with you

And we are always ready for the next adventure

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