Friday, August 5, 2011


Dear JJ,

 You love it when we read to you!  You grab a book- scamper onto my lap-  and sit there as I read it to you. No matter how many times you've read it- you like it.

Some of your favorites - Good night Moon - and Wheels on the bus.  Of course with Wheels on the Bus your dad has to sing it- and when we get to the part where "the people on the bus go up and down.." my knee goes up and down (and if it doesn't you start it for me).

You like turning pages- and seeing books where you move flaps and see things beneath them.

I hope to always read to you- for as long as you will let me. Because reading means you are sitting on my lap- close and comfortable, and I can sneak a kiss onto your head.  I think you like it too.

Food facials

Its getting to where you eat what we eat. Your cupboard is getting empty
Love Dad

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