Monday, June 29, 2015

Happy Birthday Gigi

Dear JJ,

Today is Gigi's birthday. 

You have a special bond with her- always have. But so have I. 

I was a new dad, at age 53, not really knowing what to do. For the first seven weeks of your life she was there- from your first hour. In fact one of the hardest days I had as a new dad was when we had to say goodbye to her after her being with us for seven weeks.  For her saying goodbye to you that day was hard for her - you can see it in the photo below.

The first two years of your life the only time your mom and I went out to dinner by ourselves was when Gigi was watching you. 

When you took your first plane ride, at six weeks old, Gigi came with us to Oregon so you could meet my parents. Of course, ten minutes before we got on the plane you had a poop-apocalypse. Your mom and Gigi just laughed and cleaned it up.

You are lucky son, to have Gigi. So am I. 

Happy birthday Gigi,


For the first seven weeks
A special bond the two of you have

You always have fun together

One of the hardest days of being a new parent is when Gigi had to leave
She has known you since the day you were born - in your first hour

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